Wilmington Seahawks Hockey Booster Club, Inc
The Wilmington Seahawks Hockey Booster Club is a non-profit corporation organized as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. The club's main objective is to assist in securing funding to help the UNCW Ice Hockey Team compete at the intercollegiate level. Any donations made are 100% tax deductible.
Despite how much the hockey program has grown in the last few years, the team receives little financial support from the school (approx. 8%), which makes funding a budget exceeding $135,000 extremely difficult. As a result, each player has had to pay upwards of $3,000 in dues per season to play the sport they love. In addition to being a student-athlete, many players have the added responsibility of maintaining a part-time or full-time job to offset the cost of playing. Players spending an increasing amount of time away from the rink can create a distraction for the team to improve its on-ice play and off-ice camaraderie.
This is where YOU can help make a difference. A charitable donation on your part, which is entirely tax-deductible due to the team's status as a non-profit organization organized as a tax-exempt 501 (c) (3), will have an immeasurable impact on the lives of our players, allowing them to focus on their academics & playing hockey instead of looking for work to help pay for their hockey. Any donations made will help offset operational costs (such as ice time, which is over $400/hour), travel costs (trips that require charter buses or air travel cost a minimum between 10,000 - $15,000), coaches pay and equipment costs (jerseys, socks, pant shells, etc.).
You will have access to several benefits in return for your generous donation(s). The benefits are media visibility, advertising opportunities, free season tickets to our home games, and possibly more as the program grows. For more information about how we can tailor your donation/sponsorship to meet your needs - contact Coach Rich at coachrich@uncwhockey.com, and he will be happy to meet with you in person or over a Zoom call to discuss the opportunities to help the team financially. Please realize that all donations can be earmarked at a specific cost. Your donation could go to the team's new jerseys, airfare for the team's trip to Louisville, KY, bus fare for the team's trip to Maryland, Virginia twice & possibly Regionals in February. Let us know, and we will make sure your money goes exactly where you want it to go.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about the Wilmington Seahawks Hockey Booster Club, Inc. The players and coaches appreciate your support every season, and we hope to see you at the rink.
UNCW Seahawks home opener is September 6th, 2024, against Eastern Carolina University (ECU) at 10:00 pm.
To purchase your digital tickets, please click on the link below.